Oh my goodness the last few weeks have been crazy. Eric has been gone two weekends for work, Alivia is getting a molar, and I'm working on weaning her. Lets just say that I'm dead tired by the end of the day. Poor thing is just not herself. But we did get a few smiles out of her!
She's become quite the climber and I turned around this morning to find this.

She looks so pleased with herself. I love this picture.
Alivia's other favorite thing lately is to use Zoey as her pillow. She just lounges on her. Zoey loves it because she thinks she's being pet ha!

Sorry for the blurry pictures, our camera battery is dead so I have just been using my iphone lately.
Hopefully life slows down a bit in the next few weeks. I'm really looking forward to having her weaned so that Eric and I can go away for the night. It's been tough because she doesn't take a bottle so I've never been able to leave for more than 3 hours. But I'm so thankful I was able to meet my goal of nursing her until she was one. Well, I have two weeks left until then but I highly doubt she'll be fully weaned before that.
I think the rest of tonight will be spent catching up on some TV :)